22 September: An Info Hour on OpenSpace Beta – with Niels Pflaeging
You are new to the OpenSpace Beta approach to transformation – and interested in learning more about it? You have heard a few things...
22 September: An Info Hour on OpenSpace Beta – with Niels Pflaeging
BetaCodex LIVE: Consulting work in the context of organizational transformation
4 September: An Info Hour on the BetaCodex – with Rijon Erickson
05 September: An Info Hour on Cell Structure Design – with Niels Pflaeging
New Date: OpenSpace Beta Practitioner qualification in Wiesbaden (German)
Watch the Highlights from the "5 Years of OpenSpace Beta" anniversary event
Neues Red42-Kursformat "Quick Start" zur Lean-Transformation. Erster Termin im August
Lean Transformation: A new video course by Red42 for Lean Knowledge Base