for good. Fast.

Enough of the dabbling! Enough "working the people" – to little or no avail! We need to work the system, in order to get change & transformation done.
Between 2018 and 2021, we at Red42 created the Work the System suite of social technologies. This suite consists of three stunningly effective approaches that allow you to get to organizational high performance, fast. Three concepts that beat inertia and help you overcome change deadlock, and organizational development myopia, for good.
So now is the time.
Flip your thinking, then act upon your system, consistently:
Consistently on time.
Consistently creating bigger-than-expected results.
Within consistent boundaries.
From Now to New, right Here.
When we founded Red42, one of our aims was to reunite the spheres of organizational learning, organizational development and leadership. What those domains have in common: There is a lot of hyperbole going on in all of them, but way too little innovation. With Red42, we wanted to change that, for good.
everything we do – the Work the System approaches we created and bring to life, as well as our products and services – They all contribute to dramatically speeding up organizational transformation, Everywhere. guaranteed."
Silke Hermann | Niels Pflaeging – Red42
It's organizational transformation, reinvented! This is the way to pull off change in a time-boxed, super-fast, super-reliable, highly engaging way.
The proper approach to structure to achieve organizational decentralization, democracy. and robustness. Design your company for high-performance, sustainably.
A new take on performance for a
complex world! Removes the banes of
planning, target-setting and incentives.
The three Work the System approaches by Red42 are freely available through open source licensing

Our approach to change and transformation could not be more straightforward.
Prepare your organization, systematically: accelerate the learning within a sizable group of people, and qualify a significant amount people around the "how" of working the system
Time-box the change: Begin the transformation together, end it together, with 90 days of change work (carried out by many) in-between.
Work the System together, during the 90 days, The work will be focused and contained time-wise, but also through a clear set of boundaries: principles that will revolve around Beta, agility and "lean". During the 90 days, a Cell Structure Design will be adopted, and also a Relative Targets performance system.
During the 90 days, your business will continue to run, of course. And your value creation will already noticeably improve. Guaranteed.
start working the system:
together, Now

A free-to-use social technology for all kinds of organizations: Cell Structure Design is the world's leading approach to highly effective structures in complexity. Why? Because it incorporates the principles of decentralization and coherent self-organization. Put differently: It's time to get organizations designed around value creation - not around functional silos that need to be steered from the top! This is how to get there. Fast.
We provide all the stuff you need to flip your thinking. Or your clients' thinking. These tools include books, posters and learning bundles, plus interventions such as workshops, courses and impulse sessions.
Qualification helps organizations to develop their Cell Structure Design and to go live with it in as little as 6 weeks. If you are a consultant, you can learn the necessary methods from us, too.
Do it, FAst
Done right, you can bring about a Cell Structure Design in stunningly little time. We can help you set up the process. We can guide you during the change. We also supervise peers with their related client work.

Time-boxed change:
swift. nimble. striking results
It we want to get change & transformation done fast, reliably, in time, then we need to focus on working the system with all the willing. The Work the System suite of concepts includes three stunningly powerful and effective approaches to organizational high performance that beat inertia and strike change myopia. In this short video recorded in Paris/France, Niels concisely outlines the why and the how of working the system
"The smallest unit of performance in any company is the team. Performance emerges in the space between the actors: Not 'by people', but 'through people'. people are never the problem – They are always the solution."
Silke Hermann & Niels Pflaeging
Oversight. Transparency. Clarity. Ease of use. Those are things that anyone would expect, quite naturally, from any kind of performance "management" system.
Now, with Relative Targets, you will actually get this. All of it. Surprisingly fast. And (usually) without any additional rech investment. Relative Targets run well with all conventional ERPs and transaction systems.
Because the secret of high perfomance is not to have the most sophisticated, but the most intuitive and simple performance system. Here, less is more, indeed.